
Pope opens mouth, inserts foot. Swallows.

How delusional is this guy? The former Hitler Youth compares 'neo-atheism' to Nazism.

Riiiiiight, but then I am always impressed when the unrepentant head of a pedophile ring opens his mouth about the evil doing of others.


"The taming and domestication of religion is one of the unceasing chores of civilization. " Christopher Hitchens


Video of the Day

"How you like me now?" by The Heavy


Happy Birthday Hubble! Infinite Wonder For 20 Years.

The Carnia Nebula, some 7500 light-years away.
As always a thanks to Phil Plait and http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/


Quote for the Day II

“New Rule: Stop worrying that crackpots are inserting their dogma into Texas schoolbooks. Sure, replacing Thomas Jefferson with Phyllis Schlafly is troubling, but it’s Texas. The only use Texans have for textbooks is to sit on them so they can get a better view of the football game. The last person to even notice Texas had schoolbooks was Lee Harvey Oswald.” – Bill Maher

Quote of theDay

“Congress passed the health care reform bill. Well, that was easy.” – David Letterman


"The meters are over in the red"

I stumbled across this on youtube, and its a total blast from the past. Not the best Kate Bush song, but IMO her best video.

Definitely look for a very very young 'Dr. House' (its circa 1986) as one of the scientists.