
Kansas vs Modernity

I have to admit, I found the position that scientists took vis a vis the Kansas evolution debates to be initially perplexing, but in the end I have come around to thinking that is fundamentally (pun intended) brilliant.

By refusing to give any dignity to the Kansas proceedings by studiously ignoring them, scientists were able to make the most important point possible - those who are proponents of Intelligent Design (ID) do not have anything like a theory that is coherent, do not have even the possibility of providing evidence for it being a testable theory, and most importantly, do not have a case for ID as being part of a 'controversy' regarding the basics of evolutionary theory.

The fact is you simply cannot function as a modern scientist and not see the truth in Darwin's dangerous idea - it has deeply influenced every field from micro-biology to cognitive psychology to political science.

So while on the one hand it looks like the science ostriches are sticking their heads in the sand by refusing to participate, on the other, they are sending a clear message to anyone who will listen - ID simply isn't worth the effort to even debate.

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