
A Christian exodus?

Amusingly, they note that despite the fact they have effective control over; congress, POTUS, the Senate, and the Supreme Court, but yet they are still unsatisfied that abombinations like gays having sex, etc. are allowed to continue.

Their solution? "We are going to take our ball and go home" to...South Carolina. Where (not unlike our own Ab Separatist movement) they figure they can effectively secede from Federal jurisdiction and establish the 'Christian' nation they crave one state at a time.

Money quote:

* Abortion continues against the wishes of many States
* Sodomite and lesbian "marriage" is now legal in Massachusetts (and coming soon to a neighborhood near you)
* Children who pray in public schools are subject to prosecution
* Our schools continue to teach the discredited theory of Darwinian evolution
* The Bible is still not welcome in schools except under unconstitutional FEDERAL guidelines
* The 10 Commandments remain banned from public display
* Sodomy is now legal AND celebrated as "diversity" rather than condemned as perversion
* Preaching Christianity will soon be outlawed as "hate speech"

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