
Conservatives and Evolution

Three main questions (there are several variations) that the article asks of a variety of conservatives, and that I answer for myself below;

Do you believe in Evolution; Yes

What do you think of 'Intelligent Design'; Less than I think of the Flat-Earthers. ID proponents are simply people with a religious worldview threatened by the success of non-religious explanations for mankind. I get them. They are wrong, but I understand where they are coming from. Flat Eathers don't even have God to blame on for their whackiness. Those bastards are not only wrong, they are FEARLESSLY batshit crazy wrong.

Should ID be taught in schools?; By all means, teach it in your Sunday Schools.

- Of the respondents, David Frumm has an unusually meally mouthed answer about not wanting to offend 90% of Americans by encouraging evolution in the classroom. Is this because he feels Americans can't handle the truth? Is it because American religious convictions are so weakly established that a high school biology teacher reading from a state sponsored text book is going to threaten them? Is it because as an elitist snob he prefers the masses to remain ignorant and content with their opiate?

Or is it that he himself knows the truth - that evolution belongs in the classroom and that ID does not, but in defference to his new masters on the religious right, cannot bring himself to say it?

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