
Ice Hockey = 'Game of Satan'!

Hat tip to Jeff D. who forwarded me this link as well as some kind comments about the blog. I am probably going to hell for posting it, but I figure, heck, the only way I can get there any faster is if sodomize the pope, so posting this probably won't make that big a difference to St. Pete anyway.

Money Quote:

"Every evening, a horde of young men swarm into the stand. These men should be reading the Holy Bible or practice some good hobbies during the evenings! Often these men have drank some alcoholic drink before they left home. Constantly they smoke tobacco, and they swear and curse and blaspheme while waiting for the insane game to begin.

Then they sit down to the stand, and dear God, what kind of rage begins! First they take forth the "juice", which has been strengthened by alcohol. The game begins, and the audience starts the constant noise, shouting, and horrible swearing, cursing, and jeering, and supring of violence!! If a slightest mistake is made by a player or judge, it will be followed by an obnoxious gust of lewd swearwords and indecencies. The youth inspire each other to savage fervor, which causes both physical and mental problems later.

And God forbid, if a fight breaks out in the rink, that is the climax of the evening, and a terrible lust of blood follows! Everyone is hoping, that a player would be terribly hurt or even KILLED in the rink, or at least pints of blood would pour upon the shining white ice.
But this lewd bacchanal does not end with the game, NO! The youth go out into the streets, and look for the fans of the opposing teams for a fight. If they don't find a target for violence, they will then go into a pub to drink alcohol. They look for immoral young women to practice the deadly sin of fornication! The consequense is very often a vile (veneral) disease, which is a shame to their whole family, and for the girls it means often a bastard child which ruins their whole life.
After the pub, the gang often continues their bacchanal in the private home of one of their parents. Often this home is completely defiled and broken by the drunk boys. Frequently the boys engage in HOMOSEXUAL ACTS in these drinking nights!!!
That kind of misery and corruption causes this satanic game, which should be forbidden by the law as soon as possible!!! "

AR: So to summarize, hockey leads to; drunkeness, fighting, VD, unwanted pregnancies, and homosexuality.

I'm not sure I see what the problem is.

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