
Revolting stuff - the truth about earwax and smegma!

C'mon, I know you want to know about this stuff.

You might want to wash your hands afterwards reading it though.

Money quote:

"While rummaging around in the files, I also found an older paper (from 1947) that analyzes another similar substance: smegma. As you might expect from the fact that it is also a waxy, oily secretion from skin cells, it is also about half lipid, and consists of:

Cholesterol and cholesterol esters: 18%
Fatty acids: 71%

This paper is notable for a couple of things. It tells us where to get a supply of smegma.

'Smegma is best obtained from dead horses in rendering plants or from anesthetized animals in a department of veterinary surgery.'

That's good to know; I wouldn't want to make the error of trying to collect smegma from live, conscious horses."

If I haven't said it before, 'Pharyngula' is the BEST science website out there. There, I've said it.

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