
The National Review surprises me again

The 'Derb' (John Derbyshire) is one of the theocons who writes for National Review, a magazine not noted for being particularily receptive to secularism, pluralism or atheism.

So imagine my astonishment when I read the Derb and find him bashing the POTUS for his ill-conceived remarks on Intelligent Design theory.

Money Quote:

"Why not teach the little ones astrology? Lysenkoism? Orgonomy? Dianetics? Reflexology? Dowsing and radiesthesia? Forteanism? Velikovskianism? Lawsonomy? Secrets of the Great Pyramid? ESP and psychokinesis? Atlantis and Lemuria? The hollow-earth theory? Does the president have any idea, does he have any idea, how many varieties of pseudoscientific flapdoodle there are in the world? If you are going to teach one, why not teach the rest? Shouldn't all sides be "properly taught"? To give our kids, you know, a rounded picture? Has the president scrutinized Velikovsky's theories? Can he refute them? Can you?"

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