
Rude, but also on the money

The 'Rude Pundit' isn't one of my favourite blogs - mostly because it comes across as the ravings of a recent college grad still afflicted with the verbal diarrhea of a frat boy.

But he can be quite funny, in a 'I can't believe you said that' kinda way.

This time around he nails it on the head. To defend freedom of speech you have to defend it even for the odious and rank speech you dislike.

He moves on from there (in a flourish of vulgarity that would make a hardened sailor blush with shame), to tackle the recent 'we should kill him for the oil' stupidity of Pat Robertson.

It's worth checking out, just remember that his spelentic tourettes like schtick is just that - a schtick.

Money Quote: "Again, Graham is just another Limbaugh/Hannity wannabe, flouting his "redneck" credentials as if saying that a man from the South is conservative is some kind of revelation. He says vile things, and, in the end, he was fired because he upset people with his words. You wanna call the advertisers and get them to bail on the show or the station? Great. You wanna boycott shit? Fine. You wanna put up posters saying that Michael Graham is a wad of fuck and photoshop his face into Satan's? Go right the fuck ahead. And if Graham gets cancelled because he has no listeners and no advertisers, then so be it.But let us not "applaud," as CAIR did, Graham's firing for his words. It's the same as applauding ABC for firing Bill Maher after 9/11. It'd be the same as taking Marc Maron off Air America for some of the (really funny) shit he says about fundamentalist Christians."

Exactly right - if a little less couth then I might have put it.

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