
McCauslan Apricat Ale 8 - Richard 0

* McCauslan Apricat Ales = $45.00
* Unmentionable number of shots = $40 give or take $20

Doing a hockey draft while slurping beers, and pounding shots, recording the results in a drunken stupor and sending them to a friend with his own blog?




Well 8 pints or so later & unmentionas ble shot s its either email you or my mother, and odds are any emlai to my mother is gonna be rambly... so instead i email the hockye gods...

howz this team gonna doo?

Lang & Datyuxk
Recchie & katchuk (woohoo FC from waay bak when!) Alfreddsopn & guerrin Pronger, (woohoo agan!) pronger, reden, suray, kubina,

benching wullivan, roberts, modano


longuo, belgforuy, & kjhabiilbynlin.

soo... howmy gojnna doo?

BWWT BOB, sorrrry, drafft tpook place tonight... not room for nwwe team...

Go, McCauslan Apricat Ale! Saner e-mail to follow persuant of hangover,


Lyckey thus didn't end up on the blog cameron... copeid therefrom.

Dum Spiro Spero

While I breathe I hope


All in all not a bad team - not a bad team at all.

C: Lang, Datsyuk, Modano - nice top two (Lang, Modano), but Datsyuk just signed in Russia.

RW: Recchi, Alfreddson, Guerin - as a thrio - elite, especially if you play Guerin as goon. Sullivan on bench - Wow.
LW: Tkachuk - play him as your goon, ride the freakish scoring totals that result. Roberts, and...?

D: Pronger (so good he's mentioned twice!), Redden, Souray, Kubina - A solid top 4, especially the top three.

G: Luongo, Khabiboulin and Belfour? Sick.


Richard said...

Oh my god... it's not just a freakishly bad dream then. I really did get home and e-mail people. (Not bad on the guessing, final bill worked out to 180 $ for three of us, including some food. Probably more beer than shots, and I got a job offer.)

Okay, the actual team is:

Lang, Datsyuk, Gomez (No one drafted him, and his stats look much better than Modano... now need a third... again)

Recchi, Tkachuk, Roberts

Alfredsson, Guerin, Sullivan

Pronger, Redden, Souray, Kubina

Luongo, Belfour, Khabibulin.

And now I track the team with my blog.


Richard said...

(Incidently, while showing Bob my embarassing reality, we came across yours... www.antiphonrising.blogpsot.com)

Bob says hello.


Cameron said...

Hi Bob!

Seriously though, nice work on the team - especially in net.